The discovery of the Wilbur-Cruce horse in 1989 and its
Text written by Silke Schneider
© 1996. All rights reserved.

Drawing by Kaye Guerin Yourstarshining
One of the Rancher strains of the Spanish Barb is the
Wilbur-Cruce horse. Eva Antonia Wilbur-Cruce, author of the book
"A Beautiful Cruel Country"
was a third generation rancher in southern Arizona, close to the
Mexican border. The ranch has a beautiful Cottonwood forest
among which the old ranch house is nestled, rugged mountains,
canyons, long distances between water, predators such as
mountain lions, and the harsh climate including many hot days
and dry summers.
The ranch was homesteaded in 1885 by Dr. Reuben Wilbur. He
purchased a manada (a small breeding herd) from Juan Sepulveda, a
horse trader from Sonora, Mexico, who brought large herds of horses
from Mission Dolores all the way up to Kansas. Mission Dolores was
Father Kino's 16th &17th century central breeding operation for the
original Spanish horse and other livestock. This little horse
carried missionaries such as famous Father Kino, as well as native
people and settlers for thousands of miles through the rugged "wild
west" with comparatively little feed, little water, and little
The 25 horses that started Dr. Wilbur's herd in 1885 are highly
praised and well described as the "little rock horse" by his
granddaughter Eva Antonia Wilbur-Cruce, who in 1930 took over ranch
management after her father passed away. Eva fought hard to keep
her herd pure, for she valued and treasured their quickness,
surefootedness, hard feet, intelligence, and courage.
Eva Antonia Wilbur-Cruce published her book "A Beautiful, Cruel
Country" in 1989. (University of Arizona Press)
"The Spanish horses thrived in the desert and were the
horses of the day... They had speed, stamina, and intelligence,
and, strange as it may seem, they had feelings.. .And so the
Spanish horses were made for the country and were much like the
country itself, rugged and beautiful... It was amusing to see an
800-pound horse under a 200-pound man with an enormous saddle
and a 1000-pound bull at the end of the rope. (Wilbur-Cruce
1987) |
Luis Lopez
July 20, 1934 |
The horses ran free on the ranch, fending for themselves. The
rugged environment influenced the selection process. Only horses
used for work were rounded up and trained. This herd lived in
isolation on the Wilbur-Cruce Ranch for over 100 years, until 1989,
when Eva sold most of the ranch to Nature Conservancy due to her
old age.
Thank you to the Zimmerman family for the historic