Sire: Geronimo
(foundation stallion)
Dam: Leta
(foundation mare)
Foaled: 5-15-94
Juanita went over the 'rainbow bridge' on February 23rd, 2024, at the age of 30. She was still spunky, but the arthritis in her knee prevented her from doing the things she loved to do ... such as running with her friends ... Love you, miss you, Juanita!
Sire: Santiago
(foundation stallion)
Dam: Juanita
Foaled: 3-25-00
Josefina is back home with me and Richard since May 5th,
2019. We are SO happy to have her back home!!!
Mule Petey joined our family in May 2015 at age 12.
He is a total pleasure to ride and super gentle with all our
equines. He can be a little stinker and run off while
leading him ... lol
Super cute mini Frankie joined our family in May of 2018 at
age 8. He loves to pull his little cart and we are
having a super fun time! Even RinTin, my
little dog, likes to ride in
the cart!

(aka Lucy)
- SMR registered Spanish Mustang &
- HOA registered Colonial Spanish Horse
Sire: Tobi Juan Kadobi
Dam: Sulphur's Spice
Foaled: 6/8/07
Lucy went to Dave Robinsons ranch in Rodeo, Arizona. She had a
beautiful colt, Rizado, in July of 2019.
Pilar Wilbur
Sire: Wilbur-Cruce stallion
Dam: Leta
Foaled: 1995
Pilar and Esha. I am so happy you are together!
Many happy trails together!
La Reina de la Cruce
Sire: Santiago
(foundation stallion)
Dam: Pilar
Foaled: 3-28-02
La Reina went to live with Esha and family and Pilar in
Oracle, Arizona. Both, Pilar and La Reina had
beautiful babies and La Reina is
pregnant again!!!
Eva had her first foal this spring,
photo will follow!
Eva Cruce
Sire: Galán
(son of foundation stallion
Chief Francisco)
Dam: Tubac
Foaled: 3-19-00
New owner:
Dave Robinson
- Congratulations -
Jose Juan
Sire: Tumacacori
Dam: Tubac
Foaled: 4-10-04
Jose Juan went to Dave Robinsons ranch where the grand kids
enjoy riding him.
Lorenzo and Beth Mann
Sire: Tumacacori
Dam: Pilar Wilbur
Foaled: 4-15-04
New owner Beth Mann and "Lorenzo" - Congratulations!
Sadly SiSi passed away in December 2012 from
colic complications.
Sierra Bonita Cruce
Sire: Tom Cruce
Dam: Tubac
Foaled: 3-27-03
"Tubac" and 1-day-old colt "Jose Juan"
April 2004
Foaled in 1989 on the Wilbur-Cruce Ranch in the "wild".
Congratulations Mike and Sandy Bruce!
Sire: Kino
Dam: Tubac
Foaled: 3-13-02
New owner: Larry Griffin
- Congratulations -